Air Quality Workshop for Teachers: A Toolkit for Facilitators
This Toolkit is designed for anyone who would like to conduct an air quality workshop for teachers. The materials are taken directly from the workshop provided each year by the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The goal of the workshop is for K-12 teachers to gain a better understanding of air quality and air pollution issues, experience hands-on activities, and gain insight into topics such as global warming and climate change, calculating a carbon footprint, and the health effects of air pollution. The knowledge gained will support the teacher’s classroom instruction and in turn will motivate and increase student’s interest in air quality.
What’s In the Toolkit?
- Introductory Letter
- Recruit Notice and Application
- Information Letter to Participants
- Pre and Post Test
- Homework Assignment (Optional)
- Workshop Evaluation
- Workshop Certificate
- Thank You Letter to Participants
- Notebook Cover Page
- Workshop One Day Agenda
- Workshop Two Day Agenda
- What’s Your A.Q.I.Q? – Ice Breaker
It is recommended that you have students understand and explore the properties of air before introducing a discussion on air pollution. The air around us in its stationary form occupies space, exerts pressure, expands when heated, has weight and contains oxygen. These hands-on investigations can be set up in four stations and teachers can rotate through the stations every 10 to 15 minutes.
These lessons give students an overview of air quality and air pollution including the components of air, the six criteria pollutants and the major sources and health effects of air pollution.
- Air Is All Around Us (3-5)
- Meet the Dirty Half Dozen (3-5)
- The Dirty Half Dozen (6-8)
- Unhappy About HAPs (9-12)
Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level. Ozone can be "good" or "bad" for people's health and for the environment, depending on its location in the atmosphere. These lessons guide the students understanding of ground level ozone and the associated health effects.
- Field-Testing for Ozone (9-12)
- Ozone-Double Trouble (9-12)
- “Hole”-Y Ozone! It’s the CFC’s! (6-8)
- Ozone – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (3-5)
Particle pollution (also called particulate matter or PM) is the term for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small, they can only be detected using an electron microscope. These lessons will give students in K-12 an opportunity to collect particles and identify the most likely nearby sources.
- A Bird’s Eye View (K-2)
- What’s Up There Besides Air? (3-5)
- Air Strips (6-8)
- Consider the Source (9-12)
This is designed to give the teachers an opportunity to see a brief overview and demonstration of six hands-on activities. The teachers are divided into small groups and each group rotates every 10 to 15 minutes.
- AirNow: Real Time Air Quality
- AirNow Website for Teachers
- Managing Air Quality in the U.S.
- Carbon Footprints & Sustainable Solutions
- History of the US EPA Toolkit
- How Air Pollution Is Affecting Our Health
The online resources are designed for students and teachers in K-12. These websites include information on the Air Quality Index, air quality, the sources of air pollution and much more. Many of the resources offer narration, animated characters, music, and interactive games making them fun, engaging and hands-on.
- AirNow
- EnviroFlash
- AirNow for Students Smog City 2
- Picture Book for Children
- Air Quality Flag Program
- FAQs About Global Climate Change
These air quality resources are designed to help all members of the general public gain a better understanding of air quality and air pollution issues.