Wildfire Guide Post-Publication Updates
This web page is for Wildfire Guide authors and contributors to post fact sheets, web links, and other new information developed since 2019. This information will also be used in the next update to the Guide. The goal is to provide public health officials with the latest information between revisions of the Guide.
- Children's Health
- 2021 Children’s Health and Wildfire Smoke Workshop: Workshop Summary
- 2021 Children’s Health and Wildfire Smoke Workshop: Workshop Recommendations
- PEHSU - Health Effects of Wildfires
. Free downloads on the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit webpage; offers Continuing Education credits for health professionals from CDC.
- COVID-19
- Wildfire Preparedness and Response during COVID-19
- CDC - Wildfire Smoke and COVID-19
- CDC - Public Health Strategies to Reduce Exposure to Wildfire Smoke during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- CDC - COVID-19 Considerations for Cleaner Air Shelters and Cleaner Air Spaces to Protect the Public from Wildfire Smoke
- CDC - Natural Disasters and Severe Weather
- CDC - Wildland Firefighter Health: Some Burning Questions
- CDC - Environmental Health Assessment Form for Disaster Shelters
- Wildfire Preparedness and Response during COVID-19
- Indoor Air Quality and Wildfire Smoke
- Respirators and Masks